Challenge – 2 Week Summary

Hello everyone, today is the 2 week time frame that will give us a look back and provide some feedback to the plan I’ve been using from Ruled.Me.

But first the most important information gathered after 14 days;  The measurements.  So without further a do:

Day 1   Weight:  274.2   Waist:  51.25    Neck:  18.75

Day 14   Weight  260.0    Waist:  50.75    Neck:  18.5

Please realize that we spent one actual day doing a good amount of exercise in the pool.  And a couple of other days just lounging around playing with the grand kids.

Total Loss in Measurement:  Weight:  14.2 lbs    Waist:  0.5″    Neck:  0.25″

Not too bad for a sedentary couple of week.

Some things we learned along the way.  Make sure you read the full instructions prior to starting to make your meals.  A lot of the ones in this plan are pared down from a larger recipe and the translations are a bit off on some of them.

For the spinach, I had to buy more than what was on the menu.  That’s because I hate the stems in my salads – so I cut them all off.  So I needed more to make up for them stems.

Some handy kitchen items:  Food Scale, Food Processor, Hand Mixer (wand type), Measure Cups and Spoons, and lots of bowls (unless you want to wash them all the time).

Do please ensure you measure everything from the ingredients to the portions.  It pays to ensure you don’t eat too much of your meal.  Especially for weight loss.

That’s it for the update.  If you have any questions feel free to comment below, hit me up on Discord, or even twitter.

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