Challenge – Day 1

So starting out day 1 I did some measurements to use as a baseline for this little adventure.  NOTE:  Pictures of myself were taken of this day and will be posted later as before/after images.

Height – 5′ 9″

Weight – 274.2

Waist – 51.25

Neck – 18.75

We don’t want to concern ourselves with the daily micromanagement of those measurements.  We just want to see how we are doing after a set amount of time.  So will be taking these measurements every 2 weeks.

We did it, we survived the first day of our new eating lifestyle.

We had some egg and bacon frittatas for breakfast, followed by a spinach salad with canned chicken for lunch, and 1 1/2 patties of an inside out burger w/ another spinach salad for dinner.

Each meal was pretty good and satisfying.  As a picky eater I didn’t find anything for the first day to be really hard to eat (outside of the sheer amount of spinach – 5 cups in total).

We also spent 50 minutes in the pool for our exercises.  We did 20 minutes of high intensity movements, 20 minutes of low intensity movements and 10 minutes of just relaxing.

The 30 Day in-depth ketogenic Menu Plan from Ruled.ME  is the basis for my adventure into KETO (substitutions will be used – especially for the Keto Coffee – because I don’t drink coffee) and all recipes and daily menu items can be found there.

Here are the recipes I used for the day.

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