Challenge – Day 2

Hello everyone, day 2 has come and gone but we are no worse for the wear.  🙂

It seems that our meals today were decent enough.  We started with an old stand-by Cheesy Scrambled Eggs, Leftover Inside Out Bacon Burger and Spinach Salad for lunch, then Cinnamon and Orange Beef Stew for dinner.

It was a lot easier on the spinach today as there wasn’t as much to eat.  I will say that when making this, one needs to ensure that the olive oil w/ seasoning gets all over the spinach.  If you find some leaves a bit dry, just swirl them on the bottom of the bowl to pick up more of that olive oil.

Dinner was interesting if not a bit orange tasting, and the recipe is only enough for one meal (like most of the recipes you will see).  It was pretty simple overall and didn’t seem like it would be enough to really get me through the night.  But once I finished the meal I felt satisfied and made it to bedtime without a craving for extra food (though that sweet tooth nagged  – I did slap her down).

And finally here are the recipes, Enjoy.

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