Challenge – Day 12

This was a pretty good day.  We seem to have hit our stride with the Ketoproof Coffee and don’t have any issues with the flavor profile we’ve created.  So drinking it is becoming just another part of the routine.

We did cook some almond buns for our sliders which ended up being super thin and difficult to slice in half, but we did it.  🙂

No cravings reared their ugly heads for me today, so we are thankful for that.

Outside of our standard breakfast, we had some Chicken Strip Sliders for lunch (with said almond buns).  I think the crust on the chicken strips needed to be flavored a bit more, it did taste a bit bland for me.  But, with that said, I’m a person who likes really strong bold flavors of spices.

For Dinner we had an Omnivore Burger with some Creamed Spinach and Almonds, which was paired with a Buffalo Chicken Strip Slider leftover from lunch.

And now for the recipes:

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