Challenge – Day 11

We have cruised right through Day 11 with no issues.  The Keoproof Coffee is getting easier to consume each day, as I get use to the flavor of coffee in general.

Hunger was not an issue today, nor were there any mad cravings.

For breakfast we had the standard Ketoproof Coffee.  At lunch, the leftover Chicken Thigh paired with a Spinach Salad helped us through the day.  We finished off with some Buffalo Chicken Strips and leftover Bacon Infused Sugar Snap Peas.

I will say the Buffalo Chicken Strips weren’t all they were cracked up to be.  The cook time may have been too long, as the chicken strips ended up a bit dry even with the hot sauce slathered on them.  Plus, I wasn’t a real fan of the crumbled blue cheese as it seemed to add to the dryness of the meal.

Anyway, here are the recipes eaten for the day:

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