Challenge – Day 3

Here we are finished with day 3.

I will say I was still a bit hungry after today’s dinner but not so much that I was actually tempted to grab some additional food.  Not sure if it was the incessant desire to make this change for myself or sheer will power, but we got through the night.  Also, I do feel a more hungry on the morning of day 4 than I have the previous two days.

We started out with our, on the go breakfast, which was leftover Cheesy Frittata Muffins from day one’s recipe.  For Lunch we had the Simple Spinach Salad without any meat added.  This is a staple of the meal plan and gets easier to eat each day.  And for dinner we had Curry Rubbed Chicken Thigh w/ Fried Queso Fresco.  The chicken was great with a decent curry flavor.  I did substitute the paprika in the meal with some Smokey Chipotle Paprika which added a bit to the curry mix (I’ll be using some Hot Hungarian Paprika in the next batch).  So the fried queso fresco; cooking this is going to take a bit of patience, as it requires the oils in the pan to get to the smoke point.  In my case I got it just at the smoke point and started the fry.  Well these turned out a bit gooey, just make sure you get the oils quite hot.  That being said, the flavor was actually a good pairing with the curry chicken, so that was good.  I just didn’t get the crispy layer that was supposed to happen.

Anyway, on to day 4.

Here are the recipes.

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