Challenge – Day 5

Wow, Day 5 included an interesting if not time consuming meal and a good amount of exercise.  We spent about 35 minutes in the pool with 25 of that being pretty intense.  So far so good, we are still on track.

I will say that the recipe for dinner is pretty involved and my first time through this took 2 hours or so from start to finish.  🙁  But the flavor was really good, so maybe it was worth it?  We’ll see after reheating the frozen leftovers just how much so.

For breakfast we had more of our leftover Frittata Muffins, which heat up really well.  Then at lunch we had leftover Chicken Sausage w/ a Spinach salad.  Dinner was a bit crazy on the prep and steps to cook everything, but the flavor was amazing.  This Shrimp and Cauliflower Curry didn’t leave me wanting for more food.

As always, recipes below:

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