Voicemeeter Banana Setup

The first image below is of virtual sound mixer Voicemeeter Banana.

At first it can be confusing to look at so I’ll start with some basics.

Look at the upper left area named “Hardware Input 1”, this is where you will assign an input device.  This can be a stand-alone mic, headset mic, web cam mic, etc.  Simply click on “Select Input Device” (or the already selected device name) to change the configuration.

Going down the same column, we see INTELLIPAN, this will allow you to configure changes to the input prior to output.  The default will be fin

e for most applications.  But if you would like to try it out just drag the red box around and find a setting you like.  You can always put it back to default by double-clicking the red box.

The next section AUDIBILITY allows you to configure the Compression and the Gate for this device.

Again play around and double-click to get default again.

The Fader Gain allows you to increase or decrease the Volume for the device.  Again double-click to set default.

Now you will see the boxes with A1, A2, A3, B1, and B2, which are the output channels.  Checking these (highlighted means ON) will send the input sound to

the selected output channels.

Finally you can change the output to MONO or SOLO, as well as MUTE the input.  Again Play around with it to get the sound you are looking for.

Hardware Inputs 2 and 3 are exactly identical in features.  Just select the device to use for each one.

NOTE:  The Recorder, which is the TAPE image on the right.  It can be used to record any audio based on the selected output channels listed beside it.  I don’t really use it, so play around if you like.

The section labeled VIRTUAL INPUTS is where you can configure software devices to send audio into Voicemeeter Banana.  There are two Voicemeeter VAIO and AUX.

In the Equalizer section the top circle is Treble, the middle is Balance and the bottom is Bass.  Play around with those as desired and double-click for default.

The next box down will allow you to change the direction the audio seems to come from.  I don’t really use this area either.

The rest of those columns are the same as the hardware inputs, as they simply configure where the output will go.

Now onto the Hardware out section, top right.  There are three A1, A2, and A3.  Here you can setup your external or monitor speakers, headset, etc.

In the lower right Are the output settings for A1, A2, A3, B1, and B2.  You can play around with each of the buttons to configure additional sound modifications as desired.  And the sliders allow you to configure the Fader Gain.

In the end, you can change any of the settings and if you don’t like them double-click to return to default values.


Here I will show some of my configurations to give an idea of how to get started.




For Hardware Input 1 (right image), I have selected “WDM: Microphone Realtek High Definition Audio” which is my headset microphone.  So all input from that microphone will go to B1 as it is selected in the bottom section.  And B1 is the Virtual sound channel called “Voicemeeter Output”.






In the Hardware Out section, I’ve selected my Headset speakers listed here as “WDM: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio”.  So any output to A1 will be heard in my headset.






In Discord we have configured the Different channels from Voicemeeter.  The INPUT Device is Voicemeeter Output and the OUTPUT Device is Voicemeeter Aux Input.

For the INPUT Device, what you are doing is taking the Hardware Input 1 (the Mic) and Sending it to Voicemeeter Output B1.  So anything you say into the mic is routed to Discord.






For Hardware Input 1, I have selected “WDM: Microphone Realtek High Definition Audio” which is my headset microphone.  So all input from that microphone will go to B1 as it is selected in the bottom section.  And B1 is the Virtual sound channel called “Voicemeeter Output”.







In the Hardware Out section I’ve selected my Headset speakers listed here as “WDM: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio”.  So any output to A1 will be heard in my headset.





In Discord we have configured the Different channels from Voicemeeter.  The INPUT Device is Voicemeeter Output and the OUTPUT Device is Voicemeeter Aux Input.

For the INPUT Device, what you are doing is taking the Hardware Input 1 (the Mic) and Sending it to Voicemeeter Output B1.  So anything you say into the mic is routed to Discord.




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