Challenge – Day 10

Wow what a day.  I seem to be getting used to the Ketoproof Coffee as a start to my day.  And it seems to fit the bill with some of the medications I take that require food before taking.

The entire day was pretty darn good.  I had no feelings of hunger nor did I have any cravings for other non-keto foods.

As we stated above, the Ketoproof Coffee started our day as breakfast.  We had some Keto Friendly Taco Tartlets for lunch.  The Tartlets were pretty tasty and even though we only ate two of them from the recipe, they were really satisfying.  For dinner we retrace our steps to week 1 and for the second time we have the Curry Rub Chicken Thighs, of which we ate two full chicken thighs.  To top that off we had a Red Pepper Spinach Salad as a side.

That’s it for today, hope you all are enjoying the chronicle.

Here are the recipes:

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