Challenge – Day 9

This was a busy day with a few temptations looming around the house.  It was my grandson’s 6th birthday so we had some sweets and chips etc. floating around that were pretty tempting.  But we held strong and didn’t slip an iota.

I even grilled the hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone while maintaining my grip on Keto.  🙂

This was also an interesting day as I broke down and fixed myself the Ketoproof Coffee for breakfast.  I am using a smooth coffee in our Kuerig, then adding some liquid Stevia as the sweetener.  You can use other spices like cinnamon and nutmeg to help with the flavor.  This can be important if you aren’t a coffee drinker in general.

The coffee wasn’t too bad, just a flavor I’m not used to.  This is the only breakfast on the plan for weeks 2 and 3.  Therefore, we are being a trooper and pushing through.

For breakfast we had the Ketoproof Coffee, Lunch saw us eating a Cheddar, Chive & Bacon mug cake, then for dinner we had leftover Shrimp & Cauliflower Curry.  I will say dinner didn’t really heat up well for me.  It wasn’t gross or inedible, just kinda bleh.

As always here are the recipes:

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