Challenge – Day 7

Well, there we go.  Week 1 is over and I seem to have lived through it.

We did have a day where we felt a bit hungry, but not so much that we cheated.  And we had some days where we were quite full.  But all in all the week wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

So, Day 7 saw us eating Cheesy Scrambled Eggs for Breakfast and a Simple Spinach Salad w/ some Cream Cheese added for Lunch.  For Dinner our meal was called Not Your Caveman’s Chili w/ some Bacon Infused Sugar Snap Peas.  The chili was actually pretty good and fairly filling for the portion.  The sugar snap peas were ok.  Maybe I didn’t cook them long enough because they seemed to have this stringy section where the pod is sealed that didn’t really float my boat.

So it was a good week and please look for an additional post about the lessons learned and tools used in the making of our meals.

As always enjoy and thanks for reading.

Here are the recipes:

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