Challenge – Day 8

We had a pretty busy Saturday with some errands that kept us out until 1 pm.  Then it was a bit of a scramble to get lunch done in time to have it settle before getting our dinner eaten prior to seeing Nothing More in concert that evening.

I almost felt like I had stuffed myself because lunch and dinner were within 4 hours of each other.

But that didn’t stop us from rocking out.  🙂

For breakfast we skipped the Ketoproof Coffee and opted for the Cheesy Scrambled Eggs (regardless of some previous statements – we are going to attempt the Ketoproof Coffee on Sunday).  For lunch it was a Simple Spinach Salad w/ some canned chicken.  And for dinner we had leftover Chorizo Meatballs and Roasted Pecan Green Beans.

In the end I felt full all day long.

Here are the recipes:

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